Ini Hanya ada di Kegiatan Internasional

Sumber gambar - Semakin banyak kita melakukan kegiatan, maka akan semakin banyak pula referensi hidup yang dimiliki untuk mengambil keputusan di waktu yang akan datang. 

Masa muda adalah waktu yang paling ideal untuk melakukan apapun yang kita inginkan, asalkan itu positif. Lakukan apapun yang bisa mengembangkan kreativitas kita. Menjadi muda adalah hal yang luar biasa dalam hidup, bisa berkreasi tanpa batas, bisa melancong tanpa takut waktu, bisa mengerahkan seluruh energi untuk apapun yang kita mau.

Salah satu yang saya rekomendasikan adalah kegiatan internasional. Selain menambah pengalaman baru yang sangat luar biasa, kita juga memiliki jaringan pertemanan internasional yang sangat membantu di kemudian hari. Satu lagi yang paling penting adalah "membentuk pola pikir". Kian banyak kegiatan yang kita ikuti, pola pikir kita akan semakin berkembang dan dinamis. Apalagi dengan kegiatan internasional yang membutuhkan tenaga ekstra untuk mengikutinya.

Berikut ini ada informasi mengenai jadwal kegiatan internasional terdekat yang bisa dicoba untuk mengisi waktu luang anda.

1. SEAGULL 2015, pelatihan kepemimpinan untuk para change makers muda.
“Southeast Asia needs a new generation who understands that leadership is not confined to political office or the highest echelons of the business world, but thrives in the hearts and minds of the purposeful. SEAGULL will convene the next generation of societal leaders for the most populous and promising region in the world. You will be part of the first cohort of the SEAGULL network.”
Jenis Kegiatan : Dibiyayai penuh (termasuk tiket pesawat dari Indonesia)
Deadline Aplikasi : 31 Oktober
Pelaksanaan : Immersion 1 – 12 sampai 16 Januari 2015 di Singapura, Immersion 2 – 13 sampai 17 Juli di Manila, Immersion 3 – Menyusul
Pelaksana : Singapore Management University
Website :

2. Internatonal Youth Camp 2015: Youth Empowerment for Transparency and Integrity, kegiatan camp untuk anak muda yang tertarik (dan aktif sebagai nilai plus) dalam aktivitas anti-korupsi.
“TI chapters from Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia will all send delegates to the week-long event. If you want to stand a chance to attend the camp, meet fellow anti-corruption activists from across the region and have a great time, do not hesitate to apply!”
Jenis Kegiatan : Dibiyayai penuh (termasuk tiket pesawat dari Indonesia)
Deadline Aplikasi : 21 November
Pelaksanaan : 4 sampai 10 Januari 2015 di Kamboja
Pelaksana : Transparency International
Website :

3. Asean Young Professional Volunteer Corps (Laos Project), kegiatan proyek sosial di daerah terpencil di Laos.
“We are recruiting 24 volunteers with wide range of skills to support women's entrepreneurship development and children's education in rural area in Loangam District, Salavan Province. AYPVC projects focuses on volunteer led deliveries aimed at empowering our volunteers to identify issues on the ground and work together with each other to propose sustainable solutions.”
Jenis Kegiatan : Dibiyayai penuh (termasuk tiket pesawat dari Indonesia)
Deadline Aplikasi : 31 Oktober
Pelaksanaan : 7 sampai 21 Desember 2014 di Laos
Pelaksana : AYPVC (Kementerian Budaya, Pemuda, dan Olahraga Brunei Darussalam)
Website :

4. Asia Foundation Development Fellows 2015, kegiatan pelatihan untuk para pemimpin muda dari Asia.
“The ‪#‎AsiaFoundation‬ Development Fellows program provides highly qualified, young professionals from Asia with an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen their leadership skills and gain in-depth knowledge of Asia’s critical development challenges.
The Asia Foundation Development Fellows program is not a full-time fellowship. Fellows will typically remain in their occupations throughout the fellowship year while participating in the programs modules.”
Jenis Kegiatan : Dibiyayai penuh (termasuk tiket pesawat dari Indonesia)
Deadline Aplikasi : 12 November
Pelaksanaan : 4 sampai 9 Maret 2015 di Singapura, 10 sampai 15 Maret 2015 di Nepal, 13 sampai 30 September 2015 di USA
Pelaksana : Asia Foundation
Website :

5. International Forum for Young Leaders 2015, kegiatan pelatihan untuk pemimpin muda khususnya yang bergerak di bidang kemanusiaan.
“The International Forum for Young Leaders brings together individuals under 30 years of age who have demonstrated their passion for implementing innovative, entrepreneurial solutions to the world’s most pressing problems, and offering them an opportunity to interact and benefit from each other’s experiences.”
Jenis Kegiatan : Dibiyayai penuh (termasuk tiket pesawat dari Indonesia)
Deadline Aplikasi : 31 Oktober
Pelaksanaan : 11 sampai 17 Oktober 2015 di Kanada
Pelaksana : McGill Echenberg
Website :

6. Social Entrepreneurship Forum, pertemuan para change makers dan social entrepreneurs dengan konsep pelatihan selama 8 minggu.
“We will help take your impact to the next level by providing you with workshops, mentorship, individual coaching and group coaching sessions as well as access to our network. The topics covered will include but not limited to business modeling, communication and funding strategies, financial management, team building, leadership skills and social-impact metrics. The training is based upon the action learning-approach and you will learn by applying the new skills directly to your own enterprises. This will allow you to develop your enterprises as you move along the program!
Be inspired by other participants, find motivation from our mentors and speakers, extend your network in Sweden and have fun while maximising your potential as a social entrepreneur!”
Jenis Kegiatan : Dibiyayai penuh (termasuk tiket pesawat dari Indonesia)
Deadline Aplikasi : 2 November
Pelaksanaan : 13 April sampai 5 Juni2015 di Swedia
Pelaksana : SE Forum (NGO)
Website :

7. Youth-Ag Summit, pertemuan anak muda yang tertarik maupun aktif pada bidang agrikultur, pangan, dan lingkungan.
“On August 24-28, 2015, young leaders from around the world will gather at the Global Youth Ag-Summit to discuss ideas, develop a vision and deliver action. If you’re 18-25 and care about our planet’s future, you should be part of this. Send us your thoughts and we might send you to Canberra, Australia to share them with 100 other bright young minds and leaders.”
Jenis Kegiatan : Dibiyayai penuh (termasuk tiket pesawat dari Indonesia)
Deadline Aplikasi : 30 Januari 2015
Pelaksanaan : 24 sampai 28 Agustus 2015
Pelaksana : Youth-Ag Summit
Website :

8. Global Change Leaders Program (For Women), program edukasi untuk para wanita pembuat perubahan.
“The Global Change Leaders Program is a seven-week education program offered by Coady Institute’s International Centre for Women’s Leadership.  This program enables women from developing countries to strengthen their leadership capacities in order to contribute to innovation and change in their organizations and communities.  Program participants engage in learning grounded in real world experiences and focused on Coady’s core thematic areas.  Through a shared learning environment with other emerging women leaders from around the world, participants are exposed to a range of experiences and the beginnings of a potentially lifelong network of support.”
Jenis Kegiatan : Dibiyayai penuh (termasuk tiket pesawat dari Indonesia)
Deadline Aplikasi : 9 Januari 2015
Pelaksanaan : 24 Agustus sampai 8 Oktober 2015 di Nova Scotia
Pelaksana : Coady International Institute
Website :

9. The Hansen Summer Institute on Leadership and International Cooperation for Young Leaders, program pelatihan para pemimpin muda.
“The Hansen Summer Institute on Leadership and International Cooperation is an exciting international program funded by a generous grant from the Fred J. Hansen Foundation. Five Hansen Summer Institutes took place in San Diego, California in July 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013 and 2014. The Institute provides a unique University-based leadership experience and program in international cooperation. For three weeks, young American men and women joined students from a variety of developing countries and regions of social strife. Between then and now, Hansen alumni have remained in contact via a variety of social networking sites and projects funded by the Hansen Foundation. We are happy to announce the Hansen Summer Institute will host its sixth group of young leaders in July 2015 at the University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Sciences (SOLES).”
Jenis Kegiatan : Dibiyayai penuh (termasuk tiket pesawat dari Indonesia)
Deadline Aplikasi : 5 Januari 2015
Pelaksanaan : 29 Juni sampai 20 Juli 2015
Pelaksana : The Hansen Summer Institute
Website :

10. ASEAN-Japan Youth Forum, forum pertemuan anak-anak muda berpengaruh dari ASEAN dan Jepang.
“The ASEAN-Japan Youth Forum is a creative space for 100 talented students from Japan and ASEAN mem ber countries to share their experiences, thought, awareness and understanding on how to build and maintain our partnership. This event will be organized by Indonesia Student & Youth Forum (ISYF) in collaboration with the State Ministry of Youth and Sport of Republic of Indonesia, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic Indonesia, Japan Foundation, Japan Embassy to Indonesia and ASEAN Secretariat. The Theme is “The Role of Youth on Strengthening ASEAN-Japan Partnership toward ASEAN Community 2015”. The forum would be held on March"

Begitulah informasi yang diperoleh dari komunitas dan jaringan informasi, semoga bisa membantu.

Semarang, 27 Oktober 2014

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